When you have significant property damage or loss to your home it’s time to file an insurance claim. The money you receive from your insurance company won’t always cover the total cost you need for repairs or items lost in the damage. The insurance company is obviously looking to pay out as little as possible. That’s just a sad fact. Even though you hold a policy with them, they might be looking at ways to undercut what you deserve. That is why you might want to look into hiring an independent public adjuster to handle all the details of your claim.
They are in the business of making sure you get everything you deserve under the terms of your insurance policy. In other words, their expertise is what is going to make sure you aren’t getting short-changed by your insurance company. Here is how a public insurance adjuster can help you get more money for your claim and the way that the process works for you.
The Job Functions of a Public Adjuster
When you have property loss or damage, this can be a difficult time to go through. You may even be unable to stay in your home while the repairs are being done. That’s the case many times after serious property damage due to a fire, hurricane, or other catastrophic occurrences. Your nerves and stress level can be through the roof during this trying time.
That’s where a public adjuster can really take the worry and stress away from you. Their total job function is to handle the filing of your claim, including the substantial paperwork from start to finish. They will leave no stone unturned in making sure your claim is filed the right way so that you can get the most money possible out of your insurance company. You’ll be able to make things right again in your life with the insurance money ready to fix the loss for you.
The public adjuster will work hard for you. This is a better option than having to file all the paperwork yourself with the representative at your insurance company. They won’t be looking out for your best interest in the same way that a public insurance adjuster will. It’s been shown time and time again that when you have a public adjuster on the job, claims end up being substantially higher than not using one.
Find the Perfect Public Adjuster
You want to find a public adjuster that has a great record of success. They should be able to show you insurance companies and types of claims they have settled for their clients.
It’s also helpful if they are certified by NAPIA, which is the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters. Membership to this organization shows that your public adjuster is part of a code of conduct in the industry that has years of knowledge and experience under their belts.
How Much Will You Need to Pay a Public Adjuster?
A public adjuster, as a property loss expert, usually makes about a 10-20 percent commission off of the settlement of your claim. Fees vary per public adjuster, so make sure they are very upfront with you about what this is going to cost when you are looking into hiring them for your claim. For example, a claim that is worth a settlement of $100,000 at a 10 percent commission rate will be $10,000 due to your public adjuster.
Hiring the Right Public Adjuster is Definitely Worthwhile
It’s definitely worthwhile to have a public adjuster in your corner during your insurance claim. The main reason is obviously they have the talent and experience to deal with all the little details that go into filing a property loss claim. They are your main advocate during the process because they work directly for you, and not the insurance company. It’s nice to have someone in your corner who wants to get the most money possible for you. That way you will be able to put your life back together due to significant property loss quick and easy.