Hurricane season traditionally starts in June, but the recent years’ trend has been for it to arrive earlier, sometimes as soon as late April. The resulting damage has not been restricted to waterfront properties or limited just to Hurricane Alley; more regions and more homes are affected each year. Changes in weather patterns have brought hurricanes further inland. The range of areas affected by the powerful winds, heavy downfall, and flooding that comes when a hurricane works its way through continues to grow.
Use the following precautions as a starting point to protect your home in case a hurricane passes through.
Clear your property of potential flying debris.
Damage can easily result from nearby sick or dying tree, which can get knocked over during a hurricane and not only cause property damage, but even kill people. Think of what could get knocked over to strike your home; move it yourself or, for bigger jobs, hire a professional.
Build up an emergency stockpile of essentials.
Non-perishable food and water are good starting points, but make sure you also factor in any medication you or your loved ones might need. If you can accommodate a generator, consider in investing one; make sure a professional install it so that safety guidelines are met.
Have a plan for securing your windows and doors (including the garage door).
Do you have storms shutters? Can you lock your doors and windows? Can you put up plywood to protect your glass? For garages, installing a brace kit can help keep it safe and shut from forceful winds.
Prep your car.
Just in case you need to evacuate, or even for the days immediately following the storm where there might be heavy local damage, make sure the tank is full of gas and that the tires are full of air. It’s not a bad idea to keep a bag of supplies in there, too, in case you and your loved ones need to flee in a hurry or get stranded.
Inventory your posessions, including your insurance policy.
This isn’t important just in the case of a hurricane; it’s a valuable step to take so that you can readily use your insurance coverage if the need arises. Make a list of everything you own, and consider gathering everything from proof of purchase through photographs of all of your items.
With hurricane season rapidly approaching, you need to make sure you’ve taken the necessary precautions to protect your home. These steps all involve minimizing the risk of damage to your home and maximizing the chances of safety for you and your loved ones. Of course, keep an eye on any potential storms and be proactive in identifying where to find shelter ahead of any potentially dangerous situations. Be safe!
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